En nyhet hos Udda Tina som verkligen lever upp till sitt namn är Mad Maps – galet fina, färgglada och unika kartor tillverkade med mycket hjärta.

Företaget Madmaps startade 2015 av två killar med passion för design och skapande. Grundidén bakom företaget är att skapa en snygg produkt som påminner dig om de ställen som ligger dig lite extra nära om hjärtat. Ett färgrikt sätt att uttrycka sin kärlek för sin hemstad, ett ställe du gärna gör utflykter till eller favoritresmålet.

Kartorna tillverkas för hand i Skåne, trycks på canvas och monteras sedan på upphängningsramarna som tillverkas för hand i furu från norra Sverige med snöre gjort av isländsk fårull. Kartorna finns i flera snygga färgställningar exklusivt för Udda Tina-butikerna, vilken är din favorit?

Mad Maps finns över flera olika städer och regioner och nu har även underbara Österlen fått en egen karta! På tal om Österlen – ni har väl inte missat att Udda Tina öppnar sin populära sommarbutik på Österlen i sommar? Läs mer här…
Just nu kan du köpa Mad Maps till KAMPANJPRISET: 545 kr i vår Lundabutik (gäller endast i butik). Mad Maps stöttar välgörenhet och skänker 5% av vinsten till projekt inriktat på att sprida kunskap och utbildning till barn och ungdomar i utvecklingsländer. We love!

Udda Tina har ett nära samarbete med Lucas och Rasmus som ligger bakom Mad Maps och stöttar deras etablering i Sverige. När Lucas var på besök på vårt kontor i härom veckan passade vi på att ställa några frågor som resulterade i den här mini-intervjun:
Idea behind madmap
When I went travelling after working in Australia for some time I gathered many beautiful items from all the places I fell in love with on my way back home to Europe. Fossilised corrals, washed up to shore from the tropics, locally carved tribal wooden statues from the Philippines, Himalayan prayer flags and many more such items found the way into my new apartment back home. All I was missing was the one special thing from the place that made me ready to set sail into the vast wild world, a dirty but incredibly exciting and buzzing industrial town in western Germany.
To my disappointment, the memorabilia available in the market was either incredibly trashy or just poorly made. Nothing that justified my appreciation for my old home in any way. Now it is important to understand that German people oftentimes identify much stronger with their particular suburbs than with the actual city. Even abroad, people have heard of Kreuzberg or Neukölln of Berlin and their specific, creative vibes. This kind of special feeling and attitude exists widely in every city and is not just linked to the successful, scenic places.
For my apartment, I wanted to have a graphic that showed how every entity consists out of many different patches, only forming that entity in the first place. I wanted to have a patchwork of places that I felt connected to, ultimately a patchwork that assembled my hometown. I sat down at my computer and conceptualised such idea over some time and was very excited to first pick it up from a nearby print shop.
Why I want to share my idea
Sitting down in a little café after picking up the first print with a friend and showing the result of my work to him gathered a lot of interest from other guests around us, some even trying to buy it off me right away. That day I realised that I had created value for more people than just myself and I am very grateful to be able to spread that value of a beautiful item of a place that you call home, which is oftentimes – and luckily – off the beaten track of tourists and their needs for flashy souvenirs.
Why Sweden
Coming back to Germany for visits and telling people I live in Sweden now always causes the same response: “Is it really as perfect, modern and beautiful as we are being told it is?”. “Yes”, I must admit. While not being too far off from my German taste buds nor from the stereotypical German thoroughness, it oftentimes feels like a picturesque version of the already picturesque image of Germany that I have in my head. It almost requires a new word to describe the feeling to come here and if someone invents it, it is certainly on the other end of the scale to ‘cultural shock’. It feels like home.
Therefor, I was really stoked when my good friend Rasmus from Lund applied the idea of Madmap for a business mentoring program and an office in the Venturelab at the Ideon Agora in Lund. I was really excited for the chance to come to Scandinavia, which is famous for its beautifully clear approach to design and pitch my plan to the jury. Three weeks later we had the spot and are now incredibly grateful for all the amazingly competent but friendly people we meet. When people ask me how it feels in Sweden, I oftentimes say: “It feels like running downhill with the wind in your back.”.
How I met Rasmus
Rasmus and I know each other since almost two years. He voluntarily presides the board of Students 4 Charity in Lund and took a huge part in several school building projects in developing countries over the years.
To support a campaign to build a school near Maicao, Columbia, Joseph, who is a common friend of us, and I, hiked up Kebnekaise with primary school schoolbags. We brought back little presents from our way and gave them to the donators of our trip. That way, we achieved to raise almost 5% of the overall cost of the school. Rasmus and I have been friends ever since.
Where Madmaps are made
Madmaps are handmade in a really special environment in southern Skåne. 500m off the Ocean in Österleden in a really beautiful creative and arty community. Our little international community consists out of me, Joseph from Sweden and his Italian girlfriend as well as two refugee foster children we take care off.
Here I saw, glue, oil, hammer and braid all the different materials into one unique madmap. Every item is handmade and accompanied by me from the start to the finish. That is what we are really proud of: Beautifully handmade high quality products about the place that you love and that is special to you.
/Line, Udda Tina
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